Friday, September 25, 2020

8 ways to save money during the COVID-19 pandemic

Courtesy of The Savvy Couple

As many businesses have closed down and jobs have disappeared, one of the things that this pandemic has taught every household is to save more money than we usually do. Even if the government has provided aid for food or money, that is not enough for everyone to sustain their daily needs, making their daily life hard to fathom. We will definitely need to think of ways on how to save money and energy from the comfort of our own home. 

Here are eight (8) strategies on how we can save money and still be productive:

Grow some herbs. Buying vegetables in the market can really be costly especially that some vegetables are usually expensive due to high in demand. If you have a garden or backyard, you can start collecting seeds and carefully plan where to plant them. You can ask your friends to save some seeds for you too. Vegetables are very healthy and should be included in our table everyday.

Avoid buying bottled water. If you count the cost of each bottled water you purchase, you'd realize how much you have been spending. Instead, buy water by the 5-gallon containers or bigger and just refill your tumbler or bottle, especially when you are going out. 

Courtesy of Alvin Lim, Slimmers World Great Bodies 2019 Finalist

Get some exercise. As you continue to work from home, our body needs to pump up and be energized. Keeping our body and mind healthy would also save us from a lot of stress, fear and depression. Taking some vitamins and supplements help a lot too, but having some exercises or workout would surely brighten our day and make us productive in doing our daily tasks. 

Do not throw leftover food. There are so much food being put to waste because some don't like the sight of leftover food kept in the fridge. Leftover foods can still be saved to be eaten for your next meal or the next day. Some foods can also be given to your pets, as long as no food is left to spoil and get wasted. 

Plan your loads of laundry. It is wise to plan and prepare your next laundry and check if all basic items are present. Prepare if you can fill the allowable capacity of laundry in the washing machine -- in your house or out in a laundry shop. You can save a lot on detergent powder/liquid, fabric softener, water, and of time.

Use electric fans. We usually use our electric fans spinning from left to right. If temperature rises especially during the summer, try to make it steady so it blows air down on you directly. So you can avoid the need for more air conditioning than usual, thereby saving you on cost of electricity. 

Courtesy of Rebel Financial

Budget your spending. Buying groceries and other necessities can really create a hole in your pocket. Buy only the things you need; no need to overspend for things not urgent or important. Get the cheapest possible item amongst the different brands and compare their prices versus quality. Check for available promo packs. You can even compute for the grams and determine which items give you the biggest savings. To help you estimate your weekly expenses, you might need a personal budget planner. It is also a way to see if your spending habits match your current income. 

Use free online resources. When you are stuck at home due to lockdown or quarantine, you might want to enrich your mind with reading and learning new things. There are so many free online services that offer ebooks, manuals, trainings, or even streaming services. Some modules even offer a free digital certificate upon completion of a program. Give them a shot! Add them to your bounty of knowledge and experience, and they can also boost your resume. 

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