In SEASON 2000-Xi, the renegade theater company revisits its adaptation of French Playwright Alfred Jarre’s avant-garde play UbuRoi through a new devised work at the Center.
An interactive, explosive, fun, filthy, powerplay, Haring +ubu-l aims to revisit, re-investigate, remind, and re-expose the subject of excesses and exploits as represented by the performers, the audiences and their consciousness. Sipat Lawin takes Jarre’s classic piece, considered one of the precursors to the theatre of the absurd and plays with it further. Setting the entire piece within a toilet bowl, HARING +UBU-L XXX spews out the filth, greed, avarice, gluttony and ambition of society. The audience is caught up in the entire spectacle as theater’s classic fourth wall is broken down and spectators join the actors in the highly interactive work. A supreme example of the Theater of Cruelty, discomfort substitutes escape inside the performance space.
This play is recommended for college students. Audiences are urged to come prepared - extra shirts, raincoats and even umbrellas are a must.

Tickets at P300 with 20% discount for senior citizens, government employees and military personnel. Student price is P200.
For details, contact Dramatic Arts Division at (632) 832-1125 local 1606-1607 or e-mail drama_ccp@yahoo.com. Add on Facebook: Sipat Lawin Ensemble.
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